Our full featured indicator. The Argimatics Libra TRM is a full featured wireless feed management indicator specifically designed to build and manage your rations, pens & feed groups. The indicator is displayed as an app on apple devices, the app is free to download from the iTunes store.

App Features
Simplified Ration Management – Precisely track each ingredient in the mixer and what has been fed to each pen in a feed group.
Resize – Automatically adjust a ration’s batch size based on any loaded ingredient.
Mixer Timer – Set a custom timer after each ingredient and after the entire ration has been loaded.
Weighback – Track feed refusal by loading it back into the mixer as part of the next ration, accounting for each ingredient.
Feedings – Divide rations into multiple feedings per day (Ex. Morning 50%, Evening 50%).
Unlimited Remote Displays – View and tare live weights from multiple mobile devices within 400 feet of the mixer.
Feed Adjustment – Adjust the lb/head for a specific pen in a feed group without having to create a new ration.
Dry Matter/As Fed – Set the app to build and feed rations on a dry-matter or wet-weight basis.
Bunk Reading – Enter an amount from a specific pen to subtract from the next load, to account for feed refusal.
Data Sharing – Share TMR data through email and open with standard spreadsheet software. Cloud support through Agrimatics Aero coming soon!

Hardware Features
Easy Install – Libra TMR mounts directly onto the mixer and connects to any industry-standard load cells through the junction box.
Wireless – Libra TMR wirelessly communicates with the Libra TMR app via Bluetooth Smart.
Remote Diagnostics – Libra TMR is designed to just work. If problems do arise, remote diagnostic capabilities help us get you running.
Weatherproof – Libra TMR is designed to withstand extreme temperatures and high vibrations.
Over-the-air-updates – New app features and firmware updates can be downloaded right from the mobile device.